French Disneyland. June 2019


Browse archives for October 9, 2019
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Being the primary caregiver for two family members sure eats up ones downtime. But boy, was that one of the reasons getting to take this little Paris adventure was so extra necessary for my body and soul. Now that there are a few moments to myself again, I’m feeling the need to document the final Keep reading

Parisian Adventures, The Second Part. June 2019


Browse archives for August 24, 2019
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Hoo boy, I don’t think it’s ever taken me this long to post an update. Here it is, end of August, and I still haven’t told y’all about most of my mid-June trip to Paris. And if I’m being honest, not sure life is gonna settle enough to allow for the long stream-of-consciousness recaps I Keep reading

Parisian Adventures, The First Part. June 2019


Browse archives for July 13, 2019
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Well, goodness, I just didn’t update this at all during my whirlwind 5 days in Paris. Partly a lack of Wi-Fi, but mostly because I stayed up way past my bedtime our first night and never really got caught up. So in those rare “downtime” moments, we were either having too good of conversations, or Keep reading

Temptation, thy name is “Free Place to Stay in Paris”


Browse archives for June 6, 2019
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Okay, at a certain point I have to learn to take responsibility for my choices and actions, and stop blaming Mark Twain. But dang, if this quote of his still speaks so strongly to my soul. “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the Keep reading