Ocean time!! Padangbai and Nusa Lembongan. May 2017


Browse archives for May 31, 2017
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of everything, the snorkling sounds the most amazing!
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We’re in Nusa Lembongan right now, and it’s a lovely little beach town on the island. Very walkable. Very chill vibe. Doesn’t have the scores of touts around constantly offering you taxi rides or asking you to buy souvenirs. I mean, folks here still have a lot of ambition and energy spent towards tourists (most Keep reading

Ubud, you’ve been amazing. May 2017


Browse archives for May 27, 2017
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There’s been so much we’ve done already, but at the same time, rarely have we felt rushed. Which is the perfect way to vacation. The Alena Resort in Ubud was beyond amazing. We extended our stay there by two nights, we liked it so much. And they upgraded us to a villa with private pool!!!! Keep reading

Saya bisa bicara bahasa Indonesia. May 2017


Browse archives for May 24, 2017
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My ability to speak a few limited phrases in the Indonesian language has been the greatest thing ever! Many folks continue to react like I’ve performed a magic trick, when I’ve just said “good afternoon,” but apparently my pronunciation is good (or more likely, possibly just better than some tourists, and/or they’re being polite). When Keep reading

Monkey Forest!!!! May 2017


Browse archives for May 23, 2017
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So, we went to the monkey forest in Ubud this morning. It was kind of amazing and the best thing ever!! But we’re doing a cooking class tomorrow and have to get up very early to go with the chef to the market, so I’ll write up descriptions later. Just going to upload a few Keep reading

A gecko is yelling at me right now!!! May 2017


Browse archives for May 21, 2017
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Yes, she's a rock star. After she made the 90 minute drive from airport to hotel, she hit the ground running. After such long flights, I need at least a shower, but she just swapped shoes and we caught the next shuttle into town (which left ten minutes after she got here). Impressed!
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At baggage claim, my inner thoughts, “Well, I hope Jessica doesn’t mind the smell of AVON skin so soft, because apparently my small spray bottle leaked all over my bag.” Darn it. And I almost always double plastic bag my toiletries, too, for situations just like this. Ah well. Maybe it’ll be some added mosquito Keep reading

Bali blog post, the first. May 2017


Browse archives for May 20, 2017
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… And so it begins. Almost. Sort of. At least, it’s the final stage of waiting at the airport gate, before boarding the plane. Which won’t happen for 1.5 hours. Still, nice to be here, bag checked, through security. Just “enjoyed” a Cup O’ Noodles for the first time since college (the only offering, besides Keep reading

Cousins Getaway. April 2017


Browse archives for May 1, 2017
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> with the promise of chickens/fresh eggs in the back yard, but the coop was empty, so we did not get to make new chicken friends If we stole and ate their embryos I'm not sure they would have considered us friends anyway
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San Juan Islands

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Last month my sister was, once again, feeling the need for an OCEAN trip! She posted a query to Facebook, seeing who wanted to go. Our cousin Courtney was also down for a weekend at the beach, and we were tickled at the idea of a cousins trip. We excitedly started looking at options in Keep reading