I found myself the winner/purchaser of 5 nights in a cabin in Skykomish, Washington. I was the opening bid at a charity auction with no real intention of winning the prize, just liked getting the ball rolling on this silent item. But as the auction end date neared and it became apparent nobody else was bidding, I figured I better look up where the heck Skykomish even is. *laughs* It’s the last stop before Steven’s Pass, FYI. And it’s so close to some really wonderful outdoor exploration opportunities. The cabin was great, quite large with 3 bedrooms and a loft area. Really nice kitchen. And the owners were kind enough to let us know to plan our meals/bring out groceries with us (as options nearby are slim to none). I packed up a box of board games and a box of wine bottles, and we were ready to go *laughs*
Wonderful friends’ getaway. Hiking the Iron Goat Trail with 4 and 6 yr old. Had a great post-hike picnic lunch, including quinoa, feta, & veggie salad, and all the fresh fruit. Thanks to Teresa for packing such great hiking snacks!
Had ice cream at Steven’s Pass. Then Sidewalk chalk.
Tall tales and story-telling with the locals at the tiny home-based Mount Index Brewery & Distillery. Pro-tip: They serve FREE soup on Sundays…this one included meat from the Black Angus cows the owner raised herself. She showed us photos on her phone. Had a really interesting sour abbey ale with an alder smoke ice cube added to it.

Board games and bottles of wine. “Sushi Go Party” is ridiculously fun. Tiny train rides in Skykomish. Then twelve hours of Bavarian-themed adventures in Leavenworth, and Laurena drove up to join us for the day.
Wine tasting, including the always wonderful Stemilt Creek Winery as well as wine slushies at Kestrel. (Some wonderful pals let us use their swimming pool in the hot afternoon, and Laurena is some kind of mad-genius when it comes to making up silly swimming games/competitions. Endless laughter). Followed by an amazing dinner at Andreas Keller.
We ordered ALL the food (including two pretzels with cheese as a starter) and then we were all so full we weren’t sure we could climb the stairs to exit the restaurant. Sharing secrets and laughter. Frisbee in the backyard and grilled fish tacos. Microwaved s’mores because of the burn ban. PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN (including “partial eclipse of the colander” photos).
Sharing of eclipse glasses with neighbors and a family traveling from Israel. Bear scat on a morning run, reminding friends to keep up a loud conversation for safety. So many dogs to befriend! Helping the two middle-school train volunteers learn to use the cash register at the Skykomish Train gift shop. Rides on the tiny train. Freshly picked blackberries everywhere.
Hearing Nichole say “I wonder if adults can fit in here,” then rounding the corner to see her stuck. “Nope,” she says. But she did later manage to squeeze into the “Harry Potter Suite.”
Making lasagne, drinking wine, accidentally saying “Manera” instead of “Marina” and deciding that would be an excellent name for our metal band.
Baby birds all over the rafters of the historic Skykomish hotel (currently closed for renovations). Sarah getting a napkin and rescuing a fallen baby bird from the street, tucking him into a shaded corner under the rafters.
Getting to spend 5 nights in the mountains with dear friends. So awed by the beauty of Washington everywhere we turn, continually proclaiming, “Our state is the best state!” The best.