Final Tunisia Days: June 2024


Browse archives for September 22, 2024
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Hoo boy! These final Tunisia days were in June, and I’m only now posting in September. Feels like that’s a record for me. This task suddenly became overwhelming. How to sum up this trip, etc? And then, the longer I delayed, the bigger I was building it up in my mind. Dumb. Also, the delay Keep reading

Sufatela ruins, swimming pools, and soccer in Sbeitla. Tunisia June 2024


Browse archives for August 8, 2024
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We depart, off to the small town of Sbeitla, where we’ll be staying because it’s next to some amazing Roman and Byzantine ruins of Sufetula. During the drive, we’ve got more time to do our own thing. And so it’s a van ride of us all listening to our audio books and music. After a Keep reading

Geckos and Gelato: Tunisia June 2024


Browse archives for July 12, 2024
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Soooo, still committed to the alliterative titles, even if this one doesn’t really count. I mean, visually they both start with G, but the pronunciation kills the effect. Aw well. We had our Jeep ride out of the Sahara, and were then reunited with Ashraf and our van. And started the long drive to the Keep reading

Star Wars and Saharan Sandstorms: Tunisia June 2024


Browse archives for June 24, 2024
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I’m still hung-up on alliterative titles, as you can see. Typing these recaps now that I’ve returned home, as so much of our “down time” on the trip was while in the van driving from place to place, and I’m too prone to motion sickness to allow for writing while in a vehicle. I did Keep reading

Amazing Amazigh Villages: June 2024


Browse archives for June 13, 2024
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Lovely morning in the Tataouine region. Off for a full day of exploring. First stop is Ksar Ouled Soltane. Built by the Amazigh people in the 15th century, it’s another fantastic example of their granary storage buildings. Always at the tops of mountains or cliffs (for good defense), with pleasing rounded windows and doors, and lovely Keep reading

Djerba Island, and Dinosaurs on Tataouine. June 2024


Browse archives for June 7, 2024
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(firstly, if you’re seeing this post without pictures, check back in a day or two. Uploading images without WiFi is tricky, so that may need to wait. The featured image was sunset over our hotel in Tataouine As I’m currently updating this, under a beach umbrella after having dipped my toes in the Mediterranean. Pretty Keep reading

Carthage Explorations (no elephant sightings): May 2024.


Browse archives for June 1, 2024
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Okay, heading off to Carthage, which i’d mistakenly thought was just one big ruins site. Instead, because it was such a giant city back in the day, it is many many different excavated sites scattered throughout the modern Carthage neighborhood. And because we did some of our scheduled Tunis sight seeing yesterday, we were able Keep reading

Cousins adventure begins in Tunisia. May 2024.


Browse archives for May 30, 2024
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Holy crap. How is this possible!?! This trip that’s been a “maybe” on the calendar for months is finally happening. My cousin Courtney has been trying to interest me in a trip to somewhere in the desert for years, but I am not a desert kid. And monkeys tend to be scarce in the hot Keep reading