Actually, we’re doing remarkably well considering the 4 yr old (known as T) and 2 yr old (known as H) to get up at 5am for our 7:30am flight. The kiddos were lovely on the plane. Teresa’s car seats are FAA approved so we were able to strap ’em in which really helped. Also helped by their momma’s level of prep. We had snacks and reusable sticker books and a few prizes we didn’t even need yet. it went very well. Then they napped on the car ride to Anaheim. At the hotel around 11:30am. Of course check in isn’t for hours. So we stored our baggage, changed into shorts in the lobby restroom, applied sunscreen, loaded the stroller, and we’re off to adventure/sensory overload.
Arriving at the park around noon on a hot weekend day is not ideal. But they’re verra wee and don’t know what to expect anyways. So this Disney trip isn’t about working the Fast pass system and riding all the rides. It’s about letting them experience joy and magic and set the itinerary. We took a leisurely pace this afternoon. The kids minds were blown by one of the horse-drawn trolleys on main street. And the day just got better from there.
Only 20 minutes wait for jungle cruise. The kids seem to enjoy swinging the line-dividing barrier ropes almost as much as the rides themselves. This is great, as it’s generally 20 min wait for 3 min ride. They both seemed to enjoy it and it’s a nice introductory ride. There’s no drops or anything scary. And acquaints one with the animatronic nature of much of Disney. (I’m going to refer to them as robots, as that’s way cooler, and animatronic is a ridiculously long word to keep typing on my tiny phone. Also, my phone wants to aurocorrect to “animation ice.”) Then climbing and exploring Tarzan’s Tree house (RIP Swiss Family Robinson tree house. I hope they made it off the island, otherwise they’re now shipwrecked AND homeless).
Primate achievement unlocked. There were gorilla robots in tree house and jungle cruise. *laughs*
With some explanations about what to expect (it’s dark, some loud explosions, two drops down water fall) we did Pirates. H was so unphased by it all she asked for her iPad halfway through. Kids these days!!! But she would perk up every time we passed a dog robot. (See. Isn’t robot way more fun?!?) T didn’t seem thrilled about the first drop, but liked the second and really loved looking at all the stuff.
We got ice cream. Made it through Buzz Lightyear’s blaster game. It’s a good thing H is super cute. Because she was having too much fun spinning us in circles for me to stop her, but I was a tad queasy after. We started some meltdowns in line for Autopia. They has been up for ten hours and it was the hottest part of the day. They both enjoyed the ride a lot. It’s actually a nice long track so good wait time to ride time value. The steering does function more than I’d remembered. But I let T have the helm and so it was a bumpy ride along the way. He was just too excited about “really driving.”

Back to our hotel to finally get checked in. Relaxing a bit. Now they’re splashing in the toddler play pool and I can identify their squeals from our room on the top floor, which is wild.
I’m so pleased at how well it’s gone. We may not even go back to the park today. We’ll grab dinner after the pool. And then play it by ear. That’s the theme of the trip. They get to be in charge, within reason.